While the company denies that it has done anything wrong, the WSJ reports it has reviewed a digital recording of a Wal-Mart meeting made by a Wal-Mart employee of In the hour-and-a-half meeting, held for managers in a Southern state in which the leader tells employees that their wages may be reduced to minimum wage for up to three months before a contract is negotiated, that union authorization cards violate workers' right to privacy by including their Social Security numbers on them and that if a small unit within a store votes to unionize, the entire store will be unionized.
If you have 10 associates in a photo lab and six sign union authorization cars, now the store is unionized...Six people can make a decision for 350 people.
Jeffrey Hirsch, a labor lawyer in Boston told the WSJ,
The statements are not correct representations of what the law would require even under the current law...It would be a violation of the national labor relations act to say those things.