The group is now part of a coalition of community, faith and labor organizations, working to insure access to healthy food, good jobs and a safe environment in the grocery
industry. I propose that I look at the members of that coalition and
see if we can find counterparts that would help us in the current
fight. Anybody want ot help. Here is the list.. as a first step,
I'll be back with research on the websites for each group:
* Action for Grassroots Empowerment and Neighborhood Development
Alternatives (AGENDA)
* Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE)
* Coalition for Clean Air
* Plaza Community Center, INC.
* Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
* Coalition L.A.
* Community Health Council
* Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance
* California Food and Justice Coalition
* Community Coalition
* Instituto de Popular Educación del Sur de California (IDEPSCA)
* UCLA Center for Labor Research and Education
* Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates
* L.A. Voice PICO
* Livable Places
* Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
* Iraq Veterans Against the War
* Community Services Unlimited, Inc.
* Service Employees International Union MFTS
* Northeast Democratic Club of Los Angeles
* United Food and Commercial Workers Local 770
* West Los Angeles Democratic Club
* Alliance for Democracy- L.A. chapter
* Urban and Environmental Policy Institute - Occidental College
* California Association of Professional Employees
* Community Services Unlimited, Inc.
* Service Employees International Union MFTS
* Northeast Democratic Club
* United Food and Commercial Workers Local 770