The invitation on the BURG site.
Tonight, BURG (Blacksburg United for Responsible Growth) will be celebrating Mardis Gras and raising money for its legal fund. This despite disappointment in a ruling from Circuit Court Judge Bobby Turk. Unless reversed by the Supreme Court, this ruling will allow what some have called Fairmont's "bait and switch" to proceed with constructing an apparent Wal-Mart for what was to have been a pedestrian-friendly town square-style shopping center to "re-vitalize" South Main. More on this later, as I spent today working for Newstrust, submitting and reviewing stories:
- Countdown: Iraq And A Hard Place--MSNBC's Olbermann reporter goes behind Clinton's facile and confident defense of her Iraq war vote, contrasting what she said with the record. Also interesting is his coverage of the immigration issue...
- John McCain's Free Ride --PERRspectives's Perr lays out the case that the media is soft on McCain who has changed positions
- Seattle invades Yahoo's Sunnyvale--The Financial Times's interesting opinion piece that quotes from Robert Herrick: “Thus times do shift, each thing his turn does hold; New things succeed, as former things grow old..."
- US lawmakers want 3Com investigation--The Financial Times goes beyond the Dingell news release to provide background information and links to past coverage.
- Volker: I Endorse Obama--Wall Street Journal and no other news source has picked up this story, although it is one of the most widely read on the WSJ today. Volker, Carter's appointed, is "Mr. Hard Money's endorsement adds gravitas, but may be a double-edged sword...