A screenshot of the auto-tuned version of Mr. Rogers, "Garden of your Mind" commissioned by PBS Digital. Editor's Note: I updated this post 2/19/18 at 6:17 pm to include links to the TedX videos, which weren't posted yet when I wrote this post.
John D. Boswell (email)
I learned about the video when Jason Seiken, Senior Vice President of PBS Interactive, gave his talk at TEDx MidAtlantic the same day as photographer Antrim Caskey gave her presentation on mtr...
According to Rogers, during his mother's lifetime, she knitted all the trademark zip-up cardigans he wore on tv. She gave him one each Christmas, as she did the other members of her family (He recounts this in the first part a series of nine videos of a four and a half hour long interview with Karen Herman (twitter) in Pittsburgh, PA on July 22, 1999. (h/t Chris Higgins (twitter) of Mental Floss for his post there.)